Source code for gsw.geostrophy

Functions for calculating geostrophic currents.

import numpy as np

from . import _gsw_ufuncs
from ._utilities import match_args_return, indexer
from .conversions import z_from_p

__all__ = ['geo_strf_dyn_height',

[docs]@match_args_return def geo_strf_dyn_height(SA, CT, p, p_ref=0, axis=0, max_dp=1.0, interp_method='pchip'): """ Dynamic height anomaly as a function of pressure. Parameters ---------- SA : array-like Absolute Salinity, g/kg CT : array-like Conservative Temperature (ITS-90), degrees C p : array-like Sea pressure (absolute pressure minus 10.1325 dbar), dbar p_ref : float or array-like, optional Reference pressure, dbar axis : int, optional, default is 0 The index of the pressure dimension in SA and CT. max_dp : float If any pressure interval in the input p exceeds max_dp, the dynamic height will be calculated after interpolating to a grid with this spacing. interp_method : string {'pchip', 'linear'} Interpolation algorithm. Returns ------- dynamic_height : array This is the integral of specific volume anomaly with respect to pressure, from each pressure in p to the specified reference pressure. It is the geostrophic streamfunction in an isobaric surface, relative to the reference surface. """ interp_methods = {'pchip' : 2, 'linear' : 1} if interp_method not in interp_methods: raise ValueError('interp_method must be one of %s' % (interp_methods.keys(),)) if SA.shape != CT.shape: raise ValueError('Shapes of SA and CT must match; found %s and %s' % (SA.shape, CT.shape)) if p.ndim == 1 and SA.ndim > 1: if len(p) != SA.shape[axis]: raise ValueError('With 1-D p, len(p) must be SA.shape[axis];\n' ' found %d versus %d on specified axis, %d' % (len(p), SA.shape[axis], axis)) ind = [np.newaxis] * SA.ndim ind[axis] = slice(None) p = p[tuple(ind)] p_ref = float(p_ref) with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): # The need for this context seems to be a bug in if, axis=axis) <= 0): raise ValueError('p must be increasing along the specified axis') p = np.broadcast_to(p, SA.shape) goodmask = ~(np.isnan(SA) | np.isnan(CT) | np.isnan(p)) dh = np.empty(SA.shape, dtype=float) dh.fill(np.nan) try: order = 'F' if SA.flags.fortran else 'C' except AttributeError: order = 'C' # e.g., xarray DataArray doesn't have flags for ind in indexer(SA.shape, axis, order=order): igood = goodmask[ind] # If p_ref is below the deepest value, skip the profile. pgood = p[ind][igood] if len(pgood) > 1 and pgood[-1] >= p_ref: sa = SA[ind][igood] ct = CT[ind][igood] # Temporarily add a top (typically surface) point and mixed layer # if p_ref is above the shallowest pressure. if pgood[0] > p_ref: ptop = np.arange(p_ref, pgood[0], max_dp) ntop = len(ptop) sa = np.hstack(([sa[0]]*ntop, sa)) ct = np.hstack(([ct[0]]*ntop, ct)) pgood = np.hstack((ptop, pgood)) else: ntop = 0 dh_all = _gsw_ufuncs.geo_strf_dyn_height_1( sa, ct, pgood, p_ref, max_dp, interp_methods[interp_method]) if ntop > 0: dh[ind][igood] = dh_all[ntop:] else: dh[ind][igood] = dh_all return dh
def unwrap(lon, centered=True, copy=True): """ Unwrap a sequence of longitudes or headings in degrees. Optionally center it as close to zero as possible By default, return a copy; if *copy* is False, avoid a copy when possible. Returns a masked array only if the input is a masked array. """ # From It could probably be simplified # for use here. masked_input = if masked_input: fill_value = lon.fill_value # masked_invalid loses the original fill_value (ma bug, 2011/01/20) lon = if lon.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("Only 1-D sequences are supported") if lon.shape[0] < 2: return lon x = lon.compressed() if len(x) < 2: return lon w = np.zeros(x.shape[0]-1, int) ld = np.diff(x) np.putmask(w, ld > 180, -1) np.putmask(w, ld < -180, 1) x[1:] += (w.cumsum() * 360.0) if centered: x -= 360 * np.round(x.mean() / 360.0) if lon.mask is lon[:] = x else: lon[~lon.mask] = x if masked_input: lon.fill_value = fill_value return lon else: return lon.filled(np.nan)
[docs]@match_args_return def distance(lon, lat, p=0, axis=-1): """ Great-circle distance in m between lon, lat points. Parameters ---------- lon, lat : array-like, 1-D or 2-D (shapes must match) Longitude, latitude, in degrees. p : array-like, scalar, 1-D or 2-D, optional, default is 0 Sea pressure (absolute pressure minus 10.1325 dbar), dbar axis : int, -1, 0, 1, optional The axis or dimension along which *lat and lon* vary. This differs from most functions, for which axis is the dimension along which p increases. Returns ------- distance : 1-D or 2-D array distance in meters between adjacent points. """ earth_radius = 6371e3 if not lon.shape == lat.shape: raise ValueError('lon, lat shapes must match; found %s, %s' % (lon.shape, lat.shape)) if not (lon.ndim in (1, 2) and lon.shape[axis] > 1): raise ValueError('lon, lat must be 1-D or 2-D with more than one point' ' along axis; found shape %s and axis %s' % (lon.shape, axis)) if lon.ndim == 1: one_d = True # xarray requires expand_dims() rather than [newaxis, :] lon = np.expand_dims(lon, 0) lat = np.expand_dims(lat, 0) axis = -1 else: one_d = False # Handle scalar default; match_args_return doesn't see it. p = np.atleast_1d(p) one_d = (one_d and p.ndim == 1) if axis == 0: indm = (slice(0, -1), slice(None)) indp = (slice(1, None), slice(None)) else: indm = (slice(None), slice(0, -1)) indp = (slice(None), slice(1, None)) if np.all(p == 0): z = 0 else: lon, lat, p = np.broadcast_arrays(lon, lat, p) p_mid = 0.5 * (p[indm] + p[indp]) lat_mid = 0.5 * (lat[indm] + lat[indp]) z = z_from_p(p_mid, lat_mid) lon = np.radians(lon) lat = np.radians(lat) dlon = np.diff(lon, axis=axis) dlat = np.diff(lat, axis=axis) a = ((np.sin(dlat / 2)) ** 2 + np.cos(lat[indm]) * np.cos(lat[indp]) * (np.sin(dlon / 2)) ** 2) angles = 2 * np.arctan2(np.sqrt(a), np.sqrt(1 - a)) distance = (earth_radius + z) * angles if one_d: distance = distance[0] return distance
[docs]@match_args_return def f(lat): """ Coriolis parameter in 1/s for latitude in degrees. """ omega = 7.292115e-5 # (1/s) (Groten, 2004). f = 2 * omega * np.sin(np.radians(lat)) return f
[docs]@match_args_return def geostrophic_velocity(geo_strf, lon, lat, p=0, axis=0): """ Calculate geostrophic velocity from a streamfunction. Calculates geostrophic velocity relative to a reference pressure, given a geostrophic streamfunction and the position of each station in sequence along an ocean section. The data can be from a single isobaric or "density" surface, or from a series of such surfaces. Parameters ---------- geo_strf : array-like, 1-D or 2-D geostrophic streamfunction; see Notes below. lon : array-like, 1-D Longitude, -360 to 360 degrees lat : array-like, 1-D Latitude, degrees p : float or array-like, optional Sea pressure (absolute pressure minus 10.1325 dbar), dbar. This used only for a tiny correction in the distance calculation; it is safe to omit it. axis : int, 0 or 1, optional The axis or dimension along which pressure increases in geo_strf. If geo_strf is 1-D, it is ignored. Returns ------- velocity : array, 2-D or 1-D Geostrophic velocity in m/s relative to the sea surface, averaged between each successive pair of positions. mid_lon, mid_lat : array, 1-D Midpoints of input lon and lat. Notes ----- The geostrophic streamfunction can be: - geo_strf_dyn_height (in an isobaric surface) - geo_strf_Montgomery (in a specific volume anomaly surface) - geo_strf_Cunninhgam (in an approximately neutral surface such as a potential density surface). - geo_strf_isopycnal (in an approximately neutral surface such as a potential density surface, a Neutral Density surface, or an omega surface (Klocker et al., 2009)). Only :func:`geo_strf_dyn_height` is presently implemented in GSW-Python. """ lon = unwrap(lon) if lon.shape != lat.shape or lon.ndim != 1: raise ValueError('lon, lat must be 1-D and matching; found shapes' ' %s and %s' % (lon.shape, lat.shape)) if geo_strf.ndim not in (1, 2): raise ValueError('geo_strf must be 1-D or 2-d; found shape %s' % (geo_strf.shape,)) laxis = 0 if axis else -1 ds = distance(lon, lat, p) mid_lon = 0.5 * (lon[:-1] + lon[1:]) mid_lat = 0.5 * (lat[:-1] + lat[1:]) u = np.diff(geo_strf, axis=laxis) / (ds * f(mid_lat)) return u, mid_lon, mid_lat