Vertical stability functions.
These work with ndarrays of profiles; use the `axis` keyword
argument to specify the axis along which pressure varies.
For example, the default, following the Matlab versions, is
`axis=0`, meaning the pressure varies along the first dimension.
Use `axis=-1` if pressure varies along the last dimension--that
is, along a row, as the column index increases, in the 2-D case.
Docstrings will be added later, either manually or via
an automated mechanism.
import numpy as np
from ._utilities import match_args_return, axis_slicer
from ._gsw_ufuncs import grav, specvol_alpha_beta
__all__ = ['Nsquared',
# In the following, axis=0 matches the Matlab behavior.
def Nsquared(SA, CT, p, lat=None, axis=0):
Calculate the square of the buoyancy frequency.
SA : array-like
Absolute Salinity, g/kg
CT : array-like
Conservative Temperature (ITS-90), degrees C
p : array-like
Sea pressure (absolute pressure minus 10.1325 dbar), dbar
lat : array-like, 1-D, optional
Latitude, degrees.
axis : int, optional
The dimension along which pressure increases.
N2 : array
Buoyancy frequency-squared at pressure midpoints, 1/s^2.
The shape along the pressure axis dimension is one
less than that of the inputs.
(Frequency N is in radians per second.)
p_mid : array
Pressure at midpoints of p, dbar.
The array shape matches N2.
if lat is not None:
if np.any((lat < -90) | (lat > 90)):
raise ValueError('lat is out of range')
SA, CT, p, lat = np.broadcast_arrays(SA, CT, p, lat)
g = grav(lat, p)
SA, CT, p = np.broadcast_arrays(SA, CT, p)
g = 9.7963 # (Griffies, 2004)
db_to_pa = 1e4
shallow = axis_slicer(SA.ndim, slice(-1), axis)
deep = axis_slicer(SA.ndim, slice(1, None), axis)
if lat is not None:
g_local = 0.5 * (g[shallow] + g[deep])
g_local = g
dSA = SA[deep] - SA[shallow]
dCT = CT[deep] - CT[shallow]
dp = p[deep] - p[shallow]
SA_mid = 0.5 * (SA[shallow] + SA[deep])
CT_mid = 0.5 * (CT[shallow] + CT[deep])
p_mid = 0.5 * (p[shallow] + p[deep])
specvol_mid, alpha_mid, beta_mid = specvol_alpha_beta(SA_mid,
CT_mid, p_mid)
N2 = ((g_local**2) / (specvol_mid * db_to_pa * dp))
N2 *= (beta_mid*dSA - alpha_mid*dCT)
return N2, p_mid
def Turner_Rsubrho(SA, CT, p, axis=0):
Calculate the Turner Angle and the Stability Ratio.
SA : array-like
Absolute Salinity, g/kg
CT : array-like
Conservative Temperature (ITS-90), degrees C
p : array-like
Sea pressure (absolute pressure minus 10.1325 dbar), dbar
axis : int, optional
The dimension along which pressure increases.
Tu : array
Turner Angle at pressure midpoints, degrees.
The shape along the pressure axis dimension is one
less than that of the inputs.
Rsubrho : array
Stability Ratio, dimensionless.
The shape matches Tu.
p_mid : array
Pressure at midpoints of p, dbar.
The array shape matches Tu.
SA = np.clip(SA, 0, 50)
SA, CT, p = np.broadcast_arrays(SA, CT, p)
shallow = axis_slicer(SA.ndim, slice(-1), axis)
deep = axis_slicer(SA.ndim, slice(1, None), axis)
dSA = -SA[deep] + SA[shallow]
dCT = -CT[deep] + CT[shallow]
SA_mid = 0.5 * (SA[shallow] + SA[deep])
CT_mid = 0.5 * (CT[shallow] + CT[deep])
p_mid = 0.5 * (p[shallow] + p[deep])
_, alpha, beta = specvol_alpha_beta(SA_mid, CT_mid, p_mid)
Tu = np.arctan2((alpha*dCT + beta*dSA), (alpha*dCT - beta*dSA))
Tu = np.degrees(Tu)
igood = (dSA != 0)
Rsubrho = np.zeros_like(dSA)
Rsubrho[igood] = (alpha[igood]*dCT[igood])/(beta[igood]*dSA[igood])
return Tu, Rsubrho, p_mid
def IPV_vs_fNsquared_ratio(SA, CT, p, p_ref=0, axis=0):
Calculates the ratio of the vertical gradient of potential density to
the vertical gradient of locally-referenced potential density. This
is also the ratio of the planetary Isopycnal Potential Vorticity
(IPV) to f times N^2, hence the name for this variable,
IPV_vs_fNsquared_ratio (see Eqn. (3.20.17) of IOC et al. (2010)).
SA : array-like
Absolute Salinity, g/kg
t : array-like
In-situ temperature (ITS-90), degrees C
p : array-like
Sea pressure (absolute pressure minus 10.1325 dbar), dbar
p_ref : float
Reference pressure, dbar
IPV_vs_fNsquared_ratio : array
The ratio of the vertical gradient of
potential density referenced to p_ref, to the vertical
gradient of locally-referenced potential density, dimensionless.
p_mid : array
Pressure at midpoints of p, dbar.
The array shape matches IPV_vs_fNsquared_ratio.
SA = np.clip(SA, 0, 50)
SA, CT, p = np.broadcast_arrays(SA, CT, p)
shallow = axis_slicer(SA.ndim, slice(-1), axis)
deep = axis_slicer(SA.ndim, slice(1, None), axis)
dSA = -SA[deep] + SA[shallow]
dCT = -CT[deep] + CT[shallow]
SA_mid = 0.5 * (SA[shallow] + SA[deep])
CT_mid = 0.5 * (CT[shallow] + CT[deep])
p_mid = 0.5 * (p[shallow] + p[deep])
_, alpha, beta = specvol_alpha_beta(SA_mid, CT_mid, p_mid)
_, alpha_pref, beta_pref = specvol_alpha_beta(SA_mid, CT_mid, p_ref)
num = dCT*alpha_pref - dSA*beta_pref
den = dCT*alpha - dSA*beta
igood = (den != 0)
IPV_vs_fNsquared_ratio = np.zeros_like(dSA)
IPV_vs_fNsquared_ratio[igood] = num[igood] / den[igood]
return IPV_vs_fNsquared_ratio, p_mid